
Bio Estetik GROUP

BIO ESTETIK GROUP has been working with various service areas for more than 10 years. These service areas serve to address cosmetic and aesthetic problems related to excess weight, discomfort caused by unwanted body hair, free radicals in the air, and age-related disabilities. Thus, our service circle covers the areas of cosmetics, epilepsy and weight loss.

   In an effort to improve the quality of our services, our branches fully comply with hygienic standards.

  At the same time, Bio Estetik Group, which operates in
cosmetic centers and offices, medicine, household appliances, sale and maintenance of aesthetic devices, provides many leading enterprises with high-quality products.

  In an effort to satisfy customers, each device offered in the company’s sales department is first used in the aesthetic services sections of BIO ESTETIK GROUP. And only after we have confidence in the quality of the equipment, this equipment is sold.

The company operates in three branches. All three branches employ more than 30 employees who are specialists in their work.

BIO ESTETIK GROUP works in all directions:

  • Provision of equipment for aesthetic centers, clinics, SPA centers,
  • Promotion of seminars, conferences and presentations,
  • Conducting trainings, trainings and courses in an experimental format,
  • Maintenance of all types of medical, aesthetic – cosmetic equipment,
  • Sale of all kinds of aesthetic equipment.

Our Team

Turkan Mehdiyeva

Hair removal and weight loss specialist

Ruhiyya Huseynzade

Microblading and Permanent specialist

Asbat Safarova

Hair removal and weight loss specialist

Nubar Mamadova


Xayala Hasanova

Hair removal specialist

Samira Rzayeva

Hair removal and weight loss specialist

Vusala Mamadova

Hair removal and weight loss specialist

Camila Huseynova

Hair removal and weight loss specialist

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